Accredited Practitioner – APIOL

by | Jul 14, 2019

Really happy to be added to the UK map of accredited practitioners and even more happy that I am leading the way in Norfolk and those counties surrounding to where I live.  

Every year I undertake a training challenge to help me deliver better outdoor sessions and learn some extra skills.  I have over the years trained with some great people and some nice and some really bat crazy celeb Bushcraft instructors.  The last 2 years have been very full on undertaking an Instructors mentoring scheme and I can assure you I was put through my paces!!   If anyone ever thinks I am being tough on them with getting it correct believe me I’m not!!!!!!  The last year has seen me undergoing a couple of operations, becoming a full-time instructor and Bushcrafters becoming increasingly busy.  So, spending weekends in the woods training has been difficult and spending time at home was not happening very often.   

‘Accredited Practitioners of the Institute for Outdoor Learning (APIOL) have a passion for outdoor learning and have experience planning, leading and evaluating programmes for individuals and groups’.

So what do I do?  Take it easy and have a year off? Ummmm NO!!  I looked through the Horizon magazine and begin reading about accreditation.  The Practitioner route is full on and will take me out of my comfort zone, take a fair bit of time, writing lots, meeting benchmark criteria, being interviewed via skype & get me traveling to coaching meetings in Hertfordshire & Derbyshire.  (Getting out of Norfolk with no motorways is a real pain and takes forever)

And the one thing that made me think NOOO I don’t want to do that, was the interview via Skype!!!  Total panic set in as I have not set up a skype call before and my computer skills are sometimes useless! 


  • APIOL shows a commitment to standards and good practice in Outdoor Learning

  • APIOL accredits your values, thinking, understanding and leadership approach

  • APIOL celebrates your experience, skills, knowledge, qualifications and awards

  • APIOL recognises and values your reflective practice and ethics

I have been succesful in my training and become an Accredited Practitioner with the Institute of Outdoor Learning! 

It has made me reflect lots, tested me to national benchmarks, frustrated me, made my head hurt but above all I know I really enjoyed every minute!  Well except from the interview as I really am very bad at setting up computers.  They could not see me for the first 5 minutes which I thought was an advantage for them.

Being accredited helps demonstrate that I am committed to learning in the outdoor environment and passing on my knowledge to help others flourish.  It has also meant that going forward I will be even more passionate about providing outdoor education in schools.  It provides the National Curriculum linked training which is one step towards proving impact.  But it also gives life skills, nurture, social, emotional & well-being.  When asked what I thought learning outside provided I answered its learning without walls, learning with limited barriers and especially helps children and adults that are finding it hard or have had past negative experiences in the classroom. It helps you to breathe fresh air, get out in the elements and learn both academically and skills based sometimes without knowing you are doing it. 


Do you want to increase your skills as a teacher in a school to deliver outdoor education? 

Are you an individual who would like nothing better than to run Bushcraft sessions to compliment the sessions you already deliver? 

Would you like to train to run your own Back to Basics Bushcrafters CIC sessions as a Bushcraft leader?   

If you are reading this and thinking I would like to help at a local club first and see what its all about.  Please get in touch, pick up the phone and give me a ring all out leaders at the present clubs are provided training and it’s a great way to see what its all about.

*Exeter University have just published a scientific paper detailing the results of 120 minutes outside.  The paper reinforces what I already know first-hand however personally I am very pleased the authors have undertaken such a review and the results are so achievable.

5 + 7 =

find out more!

The Bushcraft Man runs Back to Basics Bushcrafters CIC. 

Please visit our main website for information on our Bushcraft Clubs, Community Projects, Curriculum linked Outdoor Learning for Schools, Training Courses and Volunteering opportunities. 

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