Employability – Well Being, Social, Emotional, Physical & Health
Back to Basics Bushcrafters CIC understands that mental wellbeing is so very important especially with today’s hustle and bustle and high expectations. With an instant gratification mindset it is no wonder that we find some situations difficult and do not look after ourselves as well as we should.
We can all be affected by low self esteem, low mood, mental health issues, depression & anxiety at some point in the day or in our life!
Using the outdoors as a therapy to overcome mental & physical boundaries, by using what is around us to focus and ground us, has been used for many years. However we forget how to do this or we are scared to try!
Back to Basics Bushcrafters CIC knows through professional training & personal experiences that everyone responds differently and achieves things at different times.
How we can help
We are patient, caring, resourceful & robust!
Volunteer Positions at Bushcraft Clubs
Employability Courses
Green Woodworking Workshops
Walking Groups
Outdoor Working Groups
Mentoring Schemes
Forging links with other groups & associations

find out more!
The Bushcraft Man runs Back to Basics Bushcrafters CIC.
Please visit our main website for information on our Bushcraft Clubs, Community Projects, Curriculum linked Outdoor Learning for Schools, Training Courses and Volunteering opportunities.
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01493 249250