Volunteer Leaders

by | Jun 17, 2019

 The summer is here, and I am sure that at some points in February it was warmer and most certainly dryer!  

These last six months have seen the Not for Profit Community business grow tremendously.  We have been very fortunate to have received some fantastic grants from Norfolk Community Foundation, National Lottery, Tesco & The European Social Fund.   

The evening clubs have been very busy with the 4 Bradwell based Bushcrafters clubs nearly full & the Lowestoft club see a dramatic rise in popularity.   We have also been asked to run more after school clubs for local schools.  The club has grown so much the admin has been difficult to keep on top of with so many badges and so many children.  We have club activity booklets that have been used for the last 2 years and these go home with the Bushcrafter.  The Activity Booklets for schools stays at school so we can quickly add the elements of proficiency to the books onsite.  I have been looking how to make the evening clubs run smoother and keep admin down for myself and the leaders. 

We have a new online management system thats helps track all the achievements the Bushcrafters make.  This can then be added to their booklets so they have their own personal log.   We charge £2.00 for the booklet and they are a great incentive for the Bushcrafters to see what they need next to achieve a badge.   The system will also make it easier for our volunteer leaders to update and see the planned programmes.  

Our badges our split into junior & senior competency and we ensure the Bushcraters are able to repeat the skill not just do it once and get a badge.   

Fire Lighting – Shelter & Den Building – Cutting Tools – Fire Aid – Archery, Axes & Air Rifles –

WaterNavigation – Foraging – Fishing – Knots & Lashings – Tree Identification – Nature – Hiking –

Camping – Camp Cooking – Camp Gadgets 


Our evening clubs are still priced at £3 a session.  I should not use the word CHEAP as that implies we are not a brilliant club so I will use the words COST EFFECTIVE!!!!  The club is managed by me and is only in existence with the super support from the volunteer occasional helpers, assistant leaders & leaders.   We instruct outdoor education, bushcraft and try and deliver a good dose of common sense and essential life skills. 

So if we are to expand we need develop a bigger network of volunteers so we can reach more children.  Volunteers are given training so they can deliver a tried and tested programme of activities.  All leaders are enhanced DBS checked, First AId & safeguarding trained as a minimum.   They have the opportunity to develop further skills and training like axe throwing, archery, food hygiene, fire safety & can be asked to work with Back to Basics Bushcrafters CIC delivering programmes in schools. 

I was very interested reading an article in the guardian that discussed volunteering and the added benefits.  Bushcrafters have had volunteers with them for 5 years and we can confirm we already knew this.  However its good to see it in print and confirming what we already  know.  www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/oct/02/natural-health-service-wildlife-volunteers-get-mental-health-boost

  • Would you like to be part of a growing team that delivers Bushcraft & Outdoor Education to children and young people at evening clubs? 
  • Would you like to develop skills & experience working with children & young people?
  • Would you be able to volunteer weekly, fortnightly or monthly?
  • Would you like information on how we could help you run your own club?

Please get in touch so together we can get Back to Basics Bushcrafters CIC to as many areas as possible so more children get to enjoy the outdoors and experience our programme.  



9 + 8 =

find out more!

The Bushcraft Man runs Back to Basics Bushcrafters CIC. 

Please visit our main website for information on our Bushcraft Clubs, Community Projects, Curriculum linked Outdoor Learning for Schools, Training Courses and Volunteering opportunities. 

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